"Dutch artist Ramon Bruin has created stunning 3D illustrations that seem to leap right off the page." - Yahoo.com. Check out some more of his work here.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
No Doubt Logo
It's that time again. Check out my design for the new NO DOUBT logo for their upcoming album. Be sure to vote via Facebook AND Twitter here or click on the pic. Each one counts! Thanks.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Art in the Subway
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Ever wonder how to create artwork with a 5 million volt electron accelerator? Check out this video of how they produce Lichtenberg figure sculptures (Shockfossils).
A gallery of finished pieces is here. Vid via boingboing.net.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Bobby Neel Adams' AgeMaps
"Photographer Bobby Neel Adams combines two photos of his portraits subjects—one as a youth and one as an adult—into composite portraits he calls “AgeMaps.” The portraits are composited without the aid of computers." - laughingsquid.com. Pics via via PetaPixel & Visual News.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012
The Art of Logo Design
"The Art of Logo Design by PBS Arts: Off Book takes a look at logo design, from its beginnings in cave paintings to the complex visual language it is today." - Laughingsquid.com
Friday, June 22, 2012
McDonald's Photo Shoot
When asked, "Why does your food look different in the advertising than what is in the store?" Hope Bagozzi give us an exclusive behind-the-scenes tour of a McDonald's Canada photo shoot. Vid via thehighdefinite.com.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Prehistoric Animation
"Le Mirail and independent French artist Florent Rivère published their discovery in the June issue of Antiquity. They report that Stone Age artists used torches to create an animation effect on cartoon-like drawings inside caves." - news.yahoo.com. Check out the video below.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Invisible Bicycles
Photographer Zhao Huasen used some clever photo manipulation to achieve these quite bizarre photo-compositions. Check out more here. Pics via techeblog.com.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Design for Floyd Mayweather
It's that time again. Please stop by talenthouse.com and give a helping hand. I mean vote. Click here or the pic to cast your vote. Thanks in advance!
Friday, May 18, 2012
Movie Poster Clichés
Christophe Courtois, French film distributor, has compiled a mosaic of different film poster cliché. Pics via laughingsquid.com. Check out more here.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Packing Tape Spider Web
What can you do with an empty space and 100 pounds of tape? An art installation made of packing tape by design collective For Use! “The installation is based on an idea for a dance performance in which the form evolves from the movement of the dancers between the pillars,” For Use’s Christoph Katzler told Fast Company, who produced this video. “The dancers are stretching the tape while they move, so the resulting shape is a recording of the choreography.” Pics & links & vid via fastcompany.com & weburbanist.com.

Friday, May 4, 2012
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Comic Sans Project
Just so happens I stumbled upon the Comic Sans Project. Here is their statement:"We are the Comic Sans defenders. We fear no fonts and we will make the whole world Comic Sans. Because Helvetica is sooo 2011." Check out more of their re-worked logos here.

Please Vote
What's the use of having a sub-par blog if I can't ask for a favor. Please vote for this tee shirt design. Voting closes in 1 day and we are nowhere near the top. Tell ur friends! (Like you have any!)
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Keep Calm and Carry On
Check out this short film that tells the story behind the 'Keep Calm and Carry On' poster. Originally created as propaganda to boost moral during WWII, it was rediscovery in a bookshop in England in 2000. Vid via boingboing.net.
Sunday, March 4, 2012
The Half Graffiti Hotel Room
Check out this room in Hotel Au Vieux Panier. The hotel is in Marseille. Every room is decorated by a different artist. This particular room was painted by French street artist Tilt in collaboration with Tober, Grizz, and Don Cho. Photos by Benjamin Roudet via My Modern Metropolis.

The Art of Video Games
Check out this video uploaded by SmithsonianMagazine. Chris Melissinos, guest curator of an exhibit about video games at the Smithsonian American Art Museum, explains what makes the genre an art form.
Brazier's Geometric Illustrations
Illustrator and animator Liam Brazier makes spectacular geometric illustrations of pop culture icons. Check out his site here. Pics via laughingsquid.com and liambrazier.com

Watch Sculptures
Wait a minute. No really. I came across Dominic Wilcox's artwork, Watch Sculptures: Moments In Time. He creates miniature time-based sculptures using vintage watches and model figures. Wilcox animates scenes from everyday observations and imagined situations. Check out his site here and take a look at his work below. Vid and pics via dominicwilcox.com.

Monday, February 20, 2012
Presidential Art
Check out Tristan Eaton's OBAMA PORTRAIT POSTER. Tristan is currently the President and Creative Director of THUNDERDOG STUDIOS, INC.
Tristan since has re-created his Obama portrait poster on a 4 foot by 5 foot canvas. He printed and hand cut over 300 images, then wheat pasted them, one by one to the canvas.

He out his blog here.
Friday, February 17, 2012
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Brand New Day
"In 2002, Debbie Wagner was diagnosed with not one, but two brain tumors. Although the surgery to remove the tumors was successful, Wagner found herself unable to return to her normal routine. This experience did have one unexpected effect: an increased visual awareness. About five months after her surgery, Wagner had embarked on a new journey as an artist. One morning in 2005, the vivid morning sun inspired Wagner so much that she knew she had to capture it. Compelled by the saturated hues and satisfied with the results, Wagner began painting every sunrise she saw." - Huffingtonpost.com. Amazing and inspiring I say! Pics via The Huffington Post.

Inspired by Classic Works of Art
Irene Gallo over at Tor.com has posted a wonderful roundup of sci-fi and fantasy illustrations that are inspired by classic works of art." Link via laughingsquid.com.

Pic 1 by Luke Radl, Pic 2 by John Mattos, Pic 3 by Paolo Rivera,
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Growth, Destruction, Rebirth I
Caitlin Bates project Growth, Destruction, Rebirth I, is a brilliant take on anatomy infused with nature. Anatomy is a theme throughout her projects. View more of Caitlin’s work at caitlinbates.com.
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